
An example config can be seen below. You can see that you can specify different values for different environments you run. development and production are examples but they need to match up with whatever NODE_ENV is set. If one is not set, the default is development.

const config = {
    development: {
        name: 'squido',
        description: 'This is the blog description',
        twitterHandle: '@mrvautin',
        baseUrl: 'http://localhost:4965',
        sourcesExt: 'markdown',
        templateEngine: 'hbs',
        templateConfig: {},
        sourceDir: 'source',
        contentDir: 'content',
        buildDir: 'build',
        summaryLength: 250,
        port: 4965,
        pagination: true,
        postPerPage: 8
    production: {
        name: 'squido',
        description: 'This is the blog description',
        twitterHandle: '@mrvautin',
        baseUrl: '',
        sourcesExt: 'markdown',
        templateEngine: 'hbs',
        templateConfig: {},
        sourceDir: 'source',
        contentDir: 'content',
        buildDir: 'build',
        summaryLength: 250,
        port: 4965,
        pagination: true,
        postPerPage: 8,
        postBuild: [
                name: 'zip',
                options: {}

module.exports = config;
Config Usage
name Used in default templates for <title> and meta tags for homepage
description Used in default templates for meta tags for homepage
baseUrl Used for URL building purposes. Would set this to
sourcesExt The file extension for your markdown posts
templateEngine The template engine to use. Possible values are: hbs, ejs or pug
sourceDir The directory where your markdown posts reside
contentDir The directory where your Javascript, CSS, images and other assets reside
buildDir The directory where the static HTML files and assets are placed after building
summaryLength The length of the post summary which is available in the meta data of the post
port The port used when running squido serve
pagination This controls whether you want squido to paginate your posts
postPerPage This controls how many posts appear per page
postBuild Controls any post build tasks you wish to run. See here

You can use any of the config values in your template files using {{config.<option>}}. Eg: For example {{config.baseUrl}}.

The templateEngine config allows for the setting of which template engine to use - either: hbs, ejs or pug is allowed. The templateConfig object allows for the passing of configurations and is used when ejs or pug is set for the templateEngine. See here for available ejs options and here or pug.

config | configuration |