Deployment and hosting


You can host this website anywhere static websites are supported. Some options are as the deployments are just dead simple.

Simply connect your Git repo and set the Build settings settings like below:

Netlify build

And set the Environment variable to align with your config.js file:

Netlify environment

You are done. Now each push to your Git repo will trigger the build and deploy on Netlify.

Github pages

Publishing to Github pages is easy. Simply set your config buildDir to docs and the correct baseUrl. Eg:

production: {
    name: 'squido',
    description: 'This is the blog description',
    twitterHandle: '@mrvautin',
    baseUrl: 'https://<github-username>',
    sourcesExt: 'markdown',
    sourceDir: 'source',
    buildDir: 'docs',
    summaryLength: 250,
    port: 4965,
    pagination: true,
    postPerPage: 8

Then simply build your website with squido build -c and push to your Github repo.

You then need to set Source to /docs as shown here and may need to change the branch.

You can then either access at your Repo URL (https://<github-username> or a custom domain

Amazon AWS Amplify

It's very easy to publish your squido website to AWS Amplify.

  1. Login here
  2. Select New App
  3. Select Host web app
  4. Select the Git repository and authenticate. Eg: Github
  5. Select the Repository name and branch from the populated list(s)
  6. Click Edit on the build commands and ensure baseDirectory is set to /build. Eg Yaml file will look like:
version: 1
        - npm ci
        - npm run build
    baseDirectory: /build
      - '**/*'
      - node_modules/**/*
  1. Click Save and deploy and wait for your website to be built!

Cloudflare Pages

It's very easy to publish your squido website for FREE using Cloudflare pages. Free SSL, custom domain, global CDN and more and just super simple to setup.

  1. Login here
  2. Select Create new project
  3. Link your Github account and select your repository, then Begin setup
  4. Setup like:

Cloudflare setup

  1. Click Save and deploy
  2. Wait for the build to complete
  3. You can then setup Custom domains and you are done

Digitalocean Apps

Digitalocean Apps makes hosting your static HTML squido website for FREE just so bloody easy. Digitalocean Apps offers free SSL, custom domain, global CDN and more.

  1. Login here
  2. Select Github as source and choose your squido Repository:

Digitalocean source

  1. Hit Next
  2. Setup like:

Digitalocean setup

  1. Hit Next.
  2. Name your app then hit Next once more
  3. Select the plan. Choose Starter for FREE hosting
  4. Hit Launch Starter App
  5. Wait for your app to build. Watch the logs by clicking the View logs button
  6. Once your build is complete you can select Settings and configure your domain and more

You are done. Enjoy your super fast hosting on the awesome Digitalocean platform!

Azure Static Web Apps

Publishing your squido website to Azure Static Web Apps is very easy and low cost.

  1. Visit, login and create a free Static Web App.
  2. To use Azure DevOps instead of a Github repo, select Other under Deployment details.
  3. Once the resource is provisioned, from the Static Web App Overview page, click Manage Deployment Token. Copy this token somewhere safe. It will be used later.


  1. Visit, login and create a New Project
  2. Click Repos and clone the Azure repo to your local machine. Either move your existing squido site into this local repo, or create a new squido site. Commit and push code to this Azure DevOps repo
  3. Click Pipelines and create a new Pipeline for the project. Select Starter Pipeline and paste in the yaml template below
  - main
  vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- name: NODE_ENV
  value: production 
  - checkout: self
    submodules: true
  - task: AzureStaticWebApp@0
      app_location: '/'
      output_location: '/build'
      azure_static_web_apps_api_token: $(deployment_token)
  1. Click Variables then New Variable
  2. Name the variable deployment_token and paste in the Deployment Token from Step 1c. above
  3. Save and run the Pipeline
  4. Visit the URL shown in Static Web Apps in Azure Portal