Post build tasks

Post build tasks are tasks which run after the website is built. You can configure zipping up your website, automatic deployment etc to make deploying your website faster. See configuration for information on configuring a task.


The zip postBuild task simply zips all the files in your /build directory into a file called located here: /build/ You can then send/upload this file to your website host, FTP it or back it up.

An example config.js configuration is below. There are no options for this task.

production: {
  name: 'squido docs',
  description: 'Squido documentation - A dead simple static website generator',
  postBuild: [
        name: 'zip',
        options: {}


The netlify postBuild deploys your website to Netlify without the use of Git. This task requires the zip task to also be configured before this task (see below config) as this task will upload the zip file containing your website direct to Netlify using their file upload API.

An example netlify task configuration is below. You can see the zip task is configured first:

production: {
  name: 'squido docs',
  description: 'Squido documentation - A dead simple static website generator',
  postBuild: [
        name: 'zip',
        options: {}
      name: 'netlify',
      options: {
        siteName: 'squido test website'
        apiToken: 'my-netlify-api-token'

To use this task you will need to obtain your apiToken from Netlify by:

  1. Logging into Netlify here
  2. Under Personal access tokens, click New access token
  3. Set a name of your token which you will remember.
  4. Copy the token and add to your config.js file under apiToken

After you run:

$ squido build -c

The build files of your website will first be added to a zip file, then that file is uploaded to Netlify to be built and served. You can then view your Netlify websites under the Sites tab and can control your custom domain and other settings.

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